Thinking about Silicon Valley? Did you hear about the Slovenian / Slavic startup house?


I can't believe it's been more than half a year since I went to the Valley. Good times, a lot has happened there, even more has happened since. San Francisco and Silicon Valley are a place every developer and / or entrepreneur should visit at least once, to get the idea about how things work on a larger scale. To receive another orientation point, to think outside the box. All roads in technology lead there, and if you are planning on ever doing something major, this is definitely the place to be. Startups, developers, investors, enthusiasts, geeks, technology corporations, everybody's there. Good news: it's easier than ever for you to be a part of it too.

At the time of my trip, I stayed at's Bay Area HQ, which has evolved to a full-blown startup house since then. The loft was simply calling for this expansion, since there's room for at least 10 people to stay there at once. It was packed with entrepreneurs at that time as well, but financing such a place is simply too much for a single startup to bear. And since there are so many disruptive technology companies in Slovenia, some of them decided to help, recently transforming's into a real Slovenian / Slavic Startup house. Slavic, because the initiative is also supported by a startup from Croatia, which means that the Slovenian startup ecosystem is connecting even stronger with other startup communities from the Adriatic region. Respect to the guys from ShoutEm, Toshl, Zemanta, and Hekovnik, who are partners in the project!

Slovenian / Slavic Startup House, Work and Party

Work hard, party harder, networking included. More pictures here and here.

I'm not fully acquainted with the criteria and terms for staying in the Startup house, but this is surely the easiest, most inexpensive and welcoming way for Slovenian technology freaks to discover San Francisco and Silicon Valley. Don't worry, these guys are really nice and helpful, so don't be afraid to contact them for more information.

Slovenian / Slavic Startup House, South Of Market, San Francisco

The Slovenian / Slavic startup house. More pictures here and here.

Thinking about going? Here's the deal: going there is really easy, you just need to decide to go. Making something out of your visit is really hard, but you can get prepared, besides, you can learn a bit from my adventures. Bottom line, if you feel the need to go, you should go, also because you've never had a better opportunity, and it's not perfectly clear for how long this opportunity will stay available.

So here's what you can do: think about what you have and what you are trying to achieve. Prepare your pitch, pimp your sites and Linkedin profile, plan your visits and schedule your meetings. Open your mind. And just simply go. San Francisco is a crazy place, and even if things turn out totally different than expected (which they probably will), I promise you, visiting the Valley will be an unforgettable experience. Don't miss it.

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written 6.12.2012 17:41 CET on chronolog
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