Archives: August 2010


It's been a while since I've started blogging. I'm proud of what I've achieved so far, but this is just the beginning and a prologue into greater things coming in the future. I did it on my own custom platform, which enables me to play around with features and information presentation, something I like to do whenever possible. I didn't expect it to be this hard, at least in the time it takes me to write a good post with images and references, besides the time I need to promote it using all means necessary. But it's definitely been a fun ride, and the need to express myself has truly been satisfied.

written 18:33 CET on chronolog
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In the prototype phase, the Twitfluence calculation will probably be going through some major and minor changes concerning the application and the calculation. For better understanding, transparency and of course, to satisfy the curiosity of those interested, the simplified version log will be available on this link. Feel free to comment on all the issues below, any feedback will be more than appreciated.

written 11:54 CET on chronolog
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The prototype calculation of Twitfluence uses the data available form Twitter API to measure your Twitter influence and coolness. The basic technical specifications of the application is available, but I will also be supplying the basic information about how the algorithm works. The actual calculation is already online for beta users, and generally speaking, there are three major components that add up to the score: your followers, your mentions and retweets, and your lists, all accounted as ratios between you and others.

written 12:54 CET on chronolog
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Twitfluence is a registered Twitter application for calculating the "weight" and influence of your Twitter account, and is already accessible for beta users. It uses read and write permissions on your Twitter account. Perhaps it will be upgraded with write permissions one day too, so it will be able to post the results to your timeline on request, but for now, read permission is all it needs. The original idea was to have it done without Twitter authentication (by simply entering a user name), but then you're not able to access mentions and retweets, which are obviously a big thing in measuring someone's Twitter influence.

written 12:53 CET on chronolog
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