The Silicon Valley tour, part 4: The streets of San Francisco


Even though San Francisco is technically not a part of Silicon Valley, it's still one of the biggest technology hubs of the area, besides being the place where I'm situated while I'm on my Silicon Valley tour. It's an interesting city that is slowly finding its way under my skin. I have to admit I was a bit disappointed at first, perhaps my expectations were too high, but that's becoming a thing of the past, I'm starting to like this place a lot. San Francisco is one of the most open, liberal and easy-going cities I've seen so far, which is something that probably had quite a bit of influence on the general development of this region.

I love visiting cities, since they are packed with people and various cultures, like enormous ant farms. While San Francisco may not be as big as you would've imagined (comparing it to New York which I've visited a few years ago), it's still very diverse and full of surprises. After a few days of getting used to it, I think I finally found just what I was looking for: a beautiful cosmopolitan metropolis that won't leave you indifferent.

Remember the TV show from the 70's, called The streets of San Francisco? I remember it existed, but can't really recall much of it. Nevertheless, it's still a very suitable title for one of the most fascinating things I've seen so far (no shit sherlock): the streets of San Francisco, ranging from wide avenues in the city center to cute little streets of Chinatown. Buzzing with shops, people, smell of marijuana, street artists and shouting preachers, it's almost weird you still feel safe pretty much everywhere. And to let you know what I'm talking about, I've prepared a special gallery focused just on the them. Enjoy the show.

San Francisco Streets Performer

A performer entertaining people on Market street, one of the main roads of San Francisco

San Francisco Streets Seniors Playing Chess

Senior citizens playing chess. Right next to them, a game of street dice was taking place.

San Francisco Streets South Of Market

The peaceful South of Market, where I live. It kinda feels like the countryside.

San Francisco Streets China Town

The colorful scene of China Town

San Francisco Streets Cable Car

One of the few cable car lines still working. Looks familiar?

San Francisco Streets Down Town

The busy downtown

San Francisco Streets Little Italy Transamerica Pyramid

Flashy nightlife in North Beach (Little Italy). You can see the Transamerica pyramid in the back.

Check out the complete The Silicon Valley tour series.

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written 11.3.2012 11:29 CET on chronolog
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