Introducing the dynamic Home button


My chronolog is a combination of different information from various web services and is able to display that information in various forms, depending on the the user's interaction. The views of the content can be switched according to one's preferences, so it is a bit more interesting than ordinary blogs and a bit more confusing and challenging for the users.

From the technical point of view, the chronolog knows five different states:

  • Viewing posts of all types (blog, bookmarks, tweets,...)
  • Viewing posts of one type
  • Viewing posts of one category (blog only)
  • Viewing archives for one month (blog only)
  • Viewing one blog post

Having a home button (the logo) that brings you to a single page each time would be quite silly and unuseful. Therefore the action behind the home button will be dynamic, depending on the way the user browses the chronolog. This is another interesting feature the chronolog will have and another prototype implemented and observed.

If you will be watching the posts of all types (chronolog view), the home button will bring you to blog posts and vice versa. If you are reading posts of one specific type, the home button will bring you to the chronolog view. If you are watching posts of a category or archives of a month, the home button will bring you to the list of posts you were viewing before going into filtered mode. And if you are viewing a specific blog post, it will bring you to the list you had before.

It is not revolutionary, but the main point is that the use of dynamic (home) buttons could be interesting in other contexts too, such as business oriented software. Most people won't notice this at all, which will actually be some sort of a positive confirmation of well thought user interaction, but those more observant will hopefully find it as a cool detail.

A few more things you might find interesting:

written 2.7.2009 19:56 CET on chronolog
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