The Chronolog is almost complete


This weekend has been very productive (=obsessed) and the Chronolog is almost ready. I am very pleased. Now I just have to hope that the coolness of the thing is at least half of the way I see it.

There are quite a few innovative and creative approaches in the beast. The default display is historically oriented (showing posts from the past 7 days), but that changes as you enter a specific mode (blog, bookmarks, etc.). After that you start to see previous 10 or 25 posts at once. The paging that will suport this feature will have to be pretty scary (crap).

Another thing is combining Categories and Tags into one concept. Why would you go for hierarchical when you can go matriculate? And more importantly, you don't need two things that actually do almost the same - cataloguing information.

Besides that you can expect a cloud visualization of both the categories/tags and monthly archives, which should be at least a bit interesting, and hopefully some other cute features.

A few more things you might find interesting:

written 7.6.2009 15:58 CET on chronolog
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