I guess I'm a real blogger now


How glorious my previous week! My post about not stealing other people's ideas made it big time. It took me four years, but I finally managed to write something that was read by more than 10.000 different readers. Ok, there's still a long way to go before I'll reach Swizec's league, but I'm very happy about my evolution as a blogger. The amount of feedback I received this time was amazing, infinite comments on Hacker News and reddit, tweets from startup accelerators Wayra and HackFwd, there was a also a great post on Whiteboard that added an additional sixth reason to my original five. Great results. But what makes this post so important is the fact it's been amplified by all social media channels. Not a few, like my previous viral posts, but all of them. Which confirms I was spot on this time.

Social shares of '5 reasons why I won't steal your idea'

The balanced social activity about the post 5 reasons why I won't steal your idea.

Before this, I was afraid I would stay "the Slovenian who went to Silicon Valley and blogged about it", since those posts were read by many, and one of them managed to attract more than 5k uniques. Which happened almost a year ago... Luckily, persistence comes a long way, and I was able to double that! Currently, I feel very motivated to push my blogging forward, hopefully beating the high benchmark I've set on previous Tuesday as soon as possible again. Hooked on social feedback, like all other bloggers.

Total pageviews and unique users of '5 reasons why I won't steal your idea'

The traffic of 5 reasons why I won't steal your idea. Around half of all referrals came from Hacker News.

Lessons learned? I admit I started off with very sterile posts, but found "my style" as I went along, learning to master the art of writing. I know this may sound weird, but I noticed the less I was trying to appeal to everyone, the better my posts became, so I just kept playing with words, unconcerned. I guess adding personality to the writing can make wonders. I also noticed how important passion is. This specific post was fueled by my frustrations with different clients, so if you want to blog well, you just have to write about things you really love, hate, or have a strong opinion about. Otherwise the results will just turn out boring and dull.

Thank you for sticking around, hopefully I will be able to deliver more interesting thoughts in the future and improve my writing even further. I love doing it, so I promise to increase the frequency of posting as well. And redesign the chronolog. Again. Many things have happened since 2009.

Challenges await!

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written 12.2.2013 9:28 CET on chronolog
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