Category: Blogging


It's been a while since I've started blogging. I'm proud of what I've achieved so far, but this is just the beginning and a prologue into greater things coming in the future. I did it on my own custom platform, which enables me to play around with features and information presentation, something I like to do whenever possible. I didn't expect it to be this hard, at least in the time it takes me to write a good post with images and references, besides the time I need to promote it using all means necessary. But it's definitely been a fun ride, and the need to express myself has truly been satisfied.

written 18:33 CET on chronolog
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Usually I'm quite critical towards Facebook and their policy for dominating the World Wide Web, but in this case I have to give them credit and respect. I finally took the time to add advanced share buttons / badges to my blog (and actually made a whole science out of it, but more on that some other time), one of them being the infamous Facebook Like button. Needless to say it's probably the most advanced available share widget from the technical point of view, but I never imagined it's that advanced. Looks like Facebook isn't loosing any time to index the web, and their architecture for achieving this goal is set up very well. The Like button is fully connected with all other social activities on Facebook, which obviously means Facebook is building a giant man powered map of the World Wide Web.

written 8:46 CET on chronolog
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The influence the Internet is having on our every day lives is reaching almost unimaginable levels. The extent of the information revolution can only be compared to inventions of speaking, writing and printing in the past, which are all major achievements that allowed new ways of sharing thoughts and ideas between people. Web 2.0 is the next step of this information (r)evolution, and to understand why it's so important, we have to observe all the significant applications it represents (according to Wikipedia). This will hopefully give us a better insight into the potential they bring to our personal and professional lives, besides their impact on the whole humanity which we still perhaps don't fully comprehend.

written 21:10 CET on chronolog
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In the past few weeks I've done an extended analysis of visits on my blog, which made me wonder how the super fancy new web gadgets and features influence Google Analytics and traffic reports. By these new gadgets I mean the nowadays very popular URL shorteners, such as tinyurl or, and the annoying inside-browser toolbars, used by Digg, Stumbleupon, Google images and other services. These inventions made me wonder, as well as probably many other bloggers, web developers and marketers do - are these things messing up the traffic statistics? To be sure, I had to try it out by myself and found out the following: No, they do not. Or better put, Google is smart enough to know what's happening.

written 19:51 CET on chronolog
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The previous few posts I've written have been accepted really well. They even went viral to some extent, which made me proud and happy. Now I feel a bit confused. It's obvious this can't happen each time, so I better just get used to my old 50-100 viewers per post. This puts me in an awkward situation, where past achievements rose my expectations, but to be realistic, I don't really expect this to happen again any time soon. But this doesn't mean I will stop trying and it surely doesn't mean I won't consider everything I can get my hands to try to understand the causality behind it.

written 18:22 CET on chronolog
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I have been thinking about writing my own blog for quite some time now. I admit, I have a lot to say, often too much, so this seemed like a normal way to go. And sure, I definitely need more things to put on my tight schedule so I can freely perform my system overload as soon as possible.

written 14:13 CET on chronolog
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